Sunday, August 19, 2007


I need to let out a big sigh of relief. For a couple of reasons. First, VBS is officially over. We wrapped up with a special service this morning. It was an awesome week, but I think maybe just maybe I got myself in a bit over my head this year. Especially with a new baby and all.

So here I sat this afternoon. Nothing needed to be cut out. I didn't need to practice motions for songs. I was just able to catch up on some much needed snuggling with my kiddos. And since we've been blessed with a couple nice, cool rainy days, we were able to go puddle jumping with Gracie. By the time we got up to Jordan's parent's house Grace was covered in wet mud from the waist down. Her rain boots were sloshing and squishing with every step she took. There was so much water in her boots! As girly as she can be at times, she sure does love dirt and mud!

The second sigh of relief is because I just put Jackson down to bed in his crib and he put himself to sleep! He moved from his bassinet to his crib a few days ago and this is the first time I didn't have to rock him to get him to sleep! Don't get me wrong, tomorrow is another day and sometimes we take two steps back...But I'm going to relish in this moment while it lasts! Even though this is our second child and I worry much less than I did the first go-around, I still find myself second guessing the things I'm doing at times.

I'm going to leave you with the song I sing to Jackson at night. It's a beautiful prayer and my favorite Fernando song.

Jesus, King of angels, heaven's light,
Shine Your face upon this house tonight.
Let no evil come into my dreams;
Light of heaven, keep me in Your peace.

Remind me how You made dark spirits flee,
And spoke Your power to the raging sea.
And spoke Your mercy to a sinful man;
Remind me, Jesus, this is what I am.

The universe is vast beyond the stars,
But You are mindful when the sparrow falls,
And mindful of the anxious thoughts
That find me, surround me, and bind me . . . .

With all my heart I love You, Sovereign Lord.
Tomorrow, let me love You even more.
And rise to speak the goodness of Your name
Until I close my eyes and sleep again.

The universe is vast beyond the stars,
But You are mindful when the sparrow falls,
And mindful of the anxious thoughts
That find me, surround me, and bind me . . . .

Jesus, King of angels, heaven's light,
Hold my hand and keep me through this night

1 comment:

jenny said... is insanely late to be on the computer. We've been driving for two days straight to get home (and as I was sleeping the last few hours am now wired). Loved the updates to your blog. You must show me next time we are together (hopefully soon) how you do those pictures in your heading--too cute!!!

TOTALLY relate about VBS. Have felt that way many years and definitely this year, again. We just finished right before leaving for vacation to Tom's family and Glacier National Park.

The song about made me cry because we just listened to that cd over and over again on the ride home. I LOVE that song--it could be one of my lifesongs.

Can you believe we have a cd player in our new vehicle!!! We just got a 99 suburban. And man do I love the room.

Thanks for the phone message...we are so sorry to hear of Owen's passing.

Missing you much!!!