I finally got pictures of Jackson smiling. I was leaving the camera on the counter so that if he smiled I could run and get it, but I was always too late. The last few days he has been smiling more at a time, so I was able to get pictures : ) There are more pictures of his cute smile here. He is starting to coo and giggle now too. It is so neat to see all these changes in him. It is bittersweet though - knowing how fast he is growing and with this being our last time with a newborn. Anyone relate?
Anyone who knows Grace the slightest bit knows she is such a curious little girl and is always asking oodles of questions. Well, lately she has been asking me what every word she hears/sees means. They are words she has been using for a while, but for some reason is questioning what they mean (or maybe she is just trying to drive me nuts or see if I'm paying attention to her)??Everything from "free" to "push". Thursday she asked me, "What does it's not fair mean Mom"? That one took some thinking on my part to explain. What a funny, sweet girl she is!

Filled a couple hundred of these for the youth party the other day. My index finger is still recovering : ) We had a great time though - was definately worth it. We played Capture the Tiki which is a twist on capture the flag which involves water balloons and tiki torches. Not being the expert on tiki torches, I didn't realize that you have to buy a certain type of oil to use with the torches to make them light up. Unfortunately I didn't learn this before we were ready to play the game. So the game wasn't quite as fun as it could have been, but it was probably a lot safer (teenage boys and fire - what was I thinking, honostly)!. Jord brought the quads out at the end of the night and now I think Pastor has the itch to get one/some :) He and Dana had a lot of fun on them. You can check out more pictures of the party here.