So I know it's a little late to post about our 4th, but it's been a busy week and I haven't been able to post before now. We had such a great holiday. We had our good friends, Andrew, Erin and baby Emma over for lunch. Grace decided to play pirates, as you can see in the picture below. We got this dress up stuff in the dollar clearance at Target and Grace just loves it. Funny how kids just love pirate stuff these days. She kept saying she was a scurvy pirate which was making Andrew crack up.
So we were supposed to play Dutch Blitz but the guys chickened out and determined we should watch The Patriot instead. Good call since it was the 4th. At night we went to the fireworks. Jackson slept through the whole ordeal. Grace was hilarious. She sat on Papa Krause's lap with his hands over her ears and her hands over his hands (so sad I didn't have my camera along)! He said she kept going back in forth in her opinion of the fireworks. One moment she was saying how much she loved them and the next saying she didn't like them because they were too loud.
Grace loves her baby brother so much and just wants to do everything with him. I managed to get a few more of them while they were watching their Baby Einstein movie.
We had our family night on Friday and our story was on Noah's ark. Jordan managed to find this huge refrigerator box to be our ark. Grace loved decorating it. We hid stuffed animals all around the house in pairs and she had to find them. Such fun!
Saturday we went to the farmer's market and Grace ate so many blueberries and cherries I thought she'd be sick. I didn't get a picture, but man was she covered in cherry juice from head to toe!
Sunday we had Andrew & Erin over again and we managed to convince the guys to play Dutch Blitz and Canasta. I took the cake with Canasta which was such a self esteem boost for me :) Not really, but it was a lot of fun.
So now that I've pracitcally written a novella recaping our last week and bored you all silly, I think I'm going to head to bed. Good night & God Bless!